On Thursday May 2nd at 6pm. The children will practice the Mass, go to confession, and have the opportunity to get religious items blessed. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION MASS The First Communion Mass will be Sunday May 5th at the 11am. Father Lou will be our celebrant. CONFIRMATION We will have the opportunity to go to confession for candidates and sponsors on Thursday May 16th @ 6pm. Father Lou will here confessions. Bishop Fisher will celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation for our 8 Queen of Martyrs candidates on Sunday May 19th @ 10:30am at St. Joseph's Cathedral in Buffalo. |
R.C.I.A.The Rite of Christian Initiation (R.C.I.A.) Program is for adults interested in becoming members of the Roman Catholic Church, adult Roman Catholics who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, and Catholics interested in Adult Education. Classes begin in the fall. Please contact Michael Sacilowski to receive more information or to register (895-2162 or [email protected]).
Generations of Faith
The Religious Education program at our church runs from September - April in which the primary family faith formation educators of the children are the parents. The entire family joins other families for monthly sessions to learn and grow further in their faith. Attendance (parents and students) at monthly sessions is mandatory.
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