Queen of Martyrs Respect Life Ministry follows the Gospel of Life by being committed to prayer, education, and action in defense of life. It is our mission to foster in our parish community an awareness of the dignity and sanctity of all human life, from conception to natural death. We are dedicated to observing and promoting the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church on all life issues, including abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, assisted suicide, and stem cell research.
Queen of Martyrs Respect Life
The Respect Life ministry focuses on the value and dignity of life. We provide educational resources for the parish on all life issues, and work in conjunction with other groups in the community to bring a message of hope and substantive assistance to women with crisis pregnancies. Our focus is peaceful opposition to abortion through legislative lobbying, commercial boycotts, educational outreach, participation in the Rosary Novena for Life, and prayer. Another focus is opposition to, and education on, other aspects of the Culture of Death: this includes euthanasia, assisted suicide, embryonic stem cell research, and human cloning. Our ministry also is involved in following and taking action on impending pro-life legislation in Congress and in the State Legislature. We also support the St. Gianna Pregnancy Care Outreach Center by collecting baby items each year through the generosity of our parishioners, religious education families, and school. Queen of Martyrs respect Life is also instrumental in organizing the annual Cemetery of the Innocents memorial display of white crosses each October by our Confirmation class. The crosses have been a poignant reminder of abortion’s toll on this country and its people. If you are interested in this ministry, please give me a call.
Kathy Sacilowski (893-7885) [email protected] FOSTER FAMILIES Love, nurture and a safe home. Are you ready to offer these and more? It is all some children want but may not find. Catholic Charities is working to help their dreams come true. To learn more about opening your heart and home as a foster family, call 716-856-4494, ext. 360, email [email protected], or go to You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. USCCB-Word of Life: "Many assisted reproduction technologies also cause the destruction of human life. This fact is seldom explained to a couple before the various procedures begin." Items of Interest Dying with Dignity Video Assisted Suicide Video Life at Every Moment Are You a Faithful Citizen? Pro-life Issue Handout Forgotten Mass Etiquette What is the Catholic Church's Teaching on Abortion? Catholic Answers: Abortion Pro-Life video More Pro-Life videos Pro Life Election Issues WEBSITES FOR PRO-LIFE INFORMATION: Death with Dignity Mass, Boring? Why does God let us suffer? |
Pro Life Contacts
Diocese of Buffalo Office of Pro-Life Activities Telephone Hotline Numbers Unplanned Pregnancy, Abortion Alternatives & Healing (716) 847-2205 St. Gianna Pregnancy Outreach Centers ~ Helping Mothers & Fathers in Need ~ Buffalo (716) 842-BABY (2229) Chautauqua County (716) 203-7593 Niagara County (716) 284-BABY (2229) Project Rachel - Post Abortion Reconciliation (716) 847-2211 St. Gianna Molla Pregnancy Outreach Center Mother Theresa Home Facebook Page Pro Life Newsletter Priests For Life Newsletter NYS Stop Assisted Suicide (Medical Murder) Pro Life Events
Rosary Novena for Life is a regularly scheduled Mass at St. Rose of Lima Parish, 500 Parker Avenue, Buffalo. The 8 a.m. Saturday Mass will be followed by a silently and prayerfully procession to and from a local abortion clinic (optional) where we join together in prayer. Closing prayers will take place upon our return outside of St. Rose of Lima. Respect Life committees, youth groups and parish ministers are especially encouraged to join us to show their support for the Sanctity of Life. - See more at:
"180" Movie (viewer discretion and parental guidance needed!) Eight Minds changed on Abortion in seconds... End of Life Issues Respect Life is about respecting and honoring all life from womb to tomb. Abortion is a well known issue that our Catholic teaching tells us is a grave sin. There is hope and healing after abortion through the Catholic Church's Project Rachel. We care. Let us help you. Call our confidential hotline today at 716-847-2211. There is also Rachel's Vineyard: Healing the Pain of Abortion One Weekend at a Time Catholics Bring Light to the Darkness of Opioid Addiction Assembly News Against Life Assisted Suicide Legislation is Bad Medicine for New Yorkers NYS Catholic Conference Issues in Brief 2017 My Story: Journey to Becoming Pro-Life Another issue is also looming over us and that is Physician Assisted Suicide. It is also known as the Medical Murder Act. This is a Life issue too. This issue was addressed by the Supreme Court in 1997 Vacco v Quill. It raised many valid points and is worth looking at since it was won 9-0 in favor of protecting life. It is being raised again today across the country and right here in NYS. New York State law now stands against suicide and New York State spends a lot of money promoting programs against suicide through our classrooms, prisons, and even signs on bridges. But some people want Physician Assisted Suicide to be the law in New York State. The law that is being proposed now is not only flawed but would be most harmful to those who have no one to protect them. We need to fight against these suicide laws. Suicide is wrong no matter what language you use to describe it. We, as Catholics, must take a stand for this issue too. Please learn all you can about this by reading about the issue and make sure you know where the Catholic Church stands on life. All life is sacred and deserving of our protection. Don't be silent. NYS Catholic Conference Bishop's Guidance on End of Life Issues Here is a video about J.J. Hanson who has brain cancer. |