What are those symbols at the entrance to the church?
Upon approaching our church, you'll likely notice some symbols placed vertically above our doors. Here's an explanation:
The Fleur-De-Lis symbol represents purity, and in turn to the Virgin Mary. As the Fleur-De-Lis composes of composed of three petals and three sepals it also symbolizes the Trinity. In Christian art Fleur-De-Lis is also the attribute of the archangel Gabriel, notably in representations of the Annunciation.
The mystic rose, symbolizes Mary's mystical participation in the Holy Trinity as Heaven's Rose or Mystical Rose. In medieval times the mystic rose symbol was drawn with four petals on a stain glass background or on a multi-colored background like a popular quilt pattern which is still stitched today.
Marian monogram, symbolizing Mother Mary.